Responsible Tourism is to minimize and reverse the effect of travelling. It is a concept to make the attraction sustainable and the community gain advantage from tourism activities. Both tourists and host play vital role in responsible tourism in making the place better for people to live in and better for people to visit. Responsible tourists make decision based on what is best for local communities in long term, making sure the action have positive impact and play an active part of the community rather than being a spectator.
Social Inclusivity is that everyone, regardless of their background, can achieve full potential in life. It is also defined as “a society for all” in which everyone has active role to play in. Social inclusion accommodate diversity, and facilitate people participation in political, economic, and social lives such as no differences in race, gender, class, generation and geography. Some examples of social inclusivity is that policies and actions promote equal access to services for everyone and allowing people’s participation in decision making process that will affect their lives.
Environmental Well-Being is where the surroundings, includes the air, water, object, and land in or on which human, animals, and plants live are in good condition. The relationship between the environment and human are interdependence and any human activities that affect the environmental well-being will affect human own personal well-being. Therefore, it is important to contribute to the health of the planet and works towards combating climate issue for the future generation to live in a healthy environment