Sarawak Youth Talent (SYT) 2023 is a state-level youth empowerment program co-organised by Sarawak Research Society (SRS) and UCSI University Sarawak with the support of Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts (MTCP) Sarawak, Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN) Sarawak, Centre for Responsible Borneo (REBORN), and Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE). This competition starts from 1st February 2023 until 06th August 2023, aims to promote responsible tourism and behaviour among the young generation in Sarawak, foster creativity among them and provide a platform for them to be actively involved in responsible tourism development in terms of Culture and Nature. Hence, the theme for this SYT 2023 is Responsible Tourism in Culture and Nature.

Responsible tourism in culture is about creating value around the rich and diverse culture that we have. Being the largest state in Malaysia with different ethnic, background and language, Sarawak celebrates various festivals in a year with the people coming together to celebrate each other’s culture, not to mention the stretch of foods that each culture offers. In today world where east meets west via the internet, it is the youth’s role to ensure that each culture is preserve and not lost to modern influences.

Responsible tourism in nature is about preserving the nature that we have around us. The biodiversity that are in Sarawak’s nature are what people from all around the world craved for, in food, in medicine and even in household items. The importance of the Sarawak’s unique nature is being recognised by travellers around the world who come to see these natural riches and we as youth are responsible to ensure it is well protected.

The winning contestants will receive the following:
Poster Design Competition
RM500 (10 Outstanding awards)
RM300 (5 Commended awards)
One-Minute TikTok Video Competition
RM600 (5 Outstanding awards)
RM400 (5 Commended awards)
Important note:
1. Special Prize may be awarded to deserving participants in each category.
2. Apart from prize money, there will be other prizes in non-monetary form.
3. Prizes will be sent to the winners after the Event. Arrangement will be made between the organizer and the winners.

All productions must be related to the theme of SYT2023, namely “Responsible Tourism in Culture and Nature”.
Participants can choose any of the two themes for SYT2023.
Participants who wish to participate in the competition are required to complete and submit their registration form together with their production directly in the form by 30th June 2023.
Damaged, incomplete, inappropriate (such as controversial content) or illegible productions will not be accepted.
Evaluation of all the productions will be done online in July 2023 by the judges, participants and the public.
The award-giving ceremony using a hybrid format will be held on 06th August 2023, Saturday where the winners will be announced. Participants are required to join the ceremony online and the platform details will be given to the participants in advance. The ceremony will also be livestreamed on Facebook.
The Organiser may at its sole and absolute discretion extend SYT2023 period at any time.
The Organiser also reserves the right to modify the event mechanisms, withdraw or cancel the event at any time at its sole and absolute direction.

All completed registration forms along with the productions (either poster in PDF or image file like JPEG and PNG, or One-Minute TikTok Video in MP4 or link to the contestant TikTok account) have to be submitted to respective form directly by 12 noon on 30th June 2023.
Poster Design Guidelines
The content must be related to the theme of SYT2023.
Poster must only be hand drawn with the size of A3 paper (297 mm x 420 mm).
Acceptable tools of drawing/ painting include pencil, crayon, sketch, pastel, watercolor, and poster color.
The content must be written in English (except for specific terms).
Poster must clearly show the selected theme (Responsible Tourism in Culture, Responsible Tourism in Nature). The descriptions of the theme are provided on our website.
Poster should deliver a meaningful message (using images and words) in accordance with its theme.
The production in PDF or image file (JPEG or PNG). The content will be reviewed before sending for evaluation.
One-Minute TikTok Video Guidelines
The content must be related to the theme of SYT2023.
Video must not exceed 1 minute. Narration must be in English. BM or Mandarin is allowed if subtitles in English are provided.
Video must clearly show the selected theme (Responsible Tourism in Culture, Responsible Tourism in Nature). The descriptions of the theme are provided on our website.
Video should deliver a meaningful message (using images and words) in accordance with its theme.
The production in MP4 in good quality (at least 1080x1920 px). Participants may also send the link to the video in their TikTok account (make sure it is visible to public).
The content will be reviewed before sending for evaluation.

Every participant must provide valid information on the registration form. Incomplete form will not be considered.
Every submission must be done by individual. Registration by groups is not accepted.
All submitted productions must be the original works of the participants, and no part or component thereof is copied from any other works.
By submitting a production to SYT2023, each participants confirms that he/she is the legal and/or beneficial owner or otherwise has the intellectual property rights to submit such production; and therefore, warrant that he/she has obtained rights in incorporating copyright materials i.e. music, soundtrack, audio, images and video clips in his/her production. Each production and any part thereof shall not at any time infringe or violate any laws or the rights of third party.
Submitted productions must not have been submitted to or participated in any other competition or events before.
Submitted productions must not contain or reference any names or products of any company or any third-party trademarks, logos, or recognizable figures without formal consent.
Submitted productions must NOT contain any information identifying students, teachers or schools who have created or submitted them.
Inappropriate productions that are lewd, obscene, sexually explicit, pornographic, disparaging, defamatory, libelous, illegal, offensive, or otherwise contain controversial content or objectionable material should not be submitted. The Organiser reserves the right to remove or demand the participant to remove/revise such content at any time at Organiser’s sole discretion.
By submitting the productions, the participants have granted the Organiser exclusive rights to use them for promotional purpose whenever appropriate and necessary.
All costs and any expenses in connection with the productions shall be fully borne by the participants.
All productions will be judged mainly based on (A) Relevance to the Theme; (B) Originality and Creativity; and (C) Delivery of Message. Although poster-designing and video-making skills are important, they are secondary. All productions will be reviewed in July 2023. Judges’ decision is final, conclusive and binding. No further appeal, enquiry and/or correspondence will be entertained.
Every participants will receive an e-Certificate of Participation. Certificate of Recognition will be given to winners only.
Participants are invited to attend the award-giving ceremony physically on 06th August 2023, but they also can join the ceremony online.
Secondary School

Nur Faezah Binti Kamaruddin
SM Sains Kuching Utara

Sii Ling Ing
SMK Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Gapor

Lucy Chuo Mee Hong
SMK Lingga

Huang Huat Leong
SMK Lubok Antu

Lily Richard Thing
SMK Tarat

Wong Siew Nguk
SMK Chung Hua, Sibu

Kenson Anak Joseph
SMK Methodist, Sibu

Mdm Chieng Siew Chou
SMK Lutong, Miri

Puteri Nurul Hakimah Binti Mohamad Azli
SMK Baru, Miri

Ting Hui Bun
UCSI University Sarawak Campus

Nadzirah Binti Maripat
I-Cats University College

Yusman Yacob
Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak

Bibiana Lim Chiu Yiong
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus

Tembi Bin Morni
Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang

Lim Jin Ee
SMK St Joseph Miri